Portage Park March 15, 2019

The Greater Victoria Green Team organized the ENTIRE school of View Royal Elementary to help restore Portage Park over two days and several different sessions throughout the days. On the second day (March 15) the remaining classes participated! See what we accomplished below.

Thank-you to everyone who participated: students from the following awesome teachers: K. Higginbotham/N. Hill, Corrie Ballard, Pickwick, Ryan Stevens, Karen Mills, Rob Crawford.

Thank you very much to the Town of View Royal for contributing funding to this activity and other Green Team volunteer activities in View Royal this year! Also, THANK YOU to students, parents and teachers from View Royal Elementary for making donations to help us cover costs of organizing these activities!

Thank you to our in-kind sponsor for providing thank you soap to all of the participants: LUSH Cosmetics

K. Higginbotham/N. Hills’, Corrie Ballards’, Pickwicks’ classes

Ryan Stevens’, Karen Mills’, Rob Crawfords’ classes



  • 154 students, teachers and parents participated and contributed 130 volunteer hours
  • 15 volunteers had never been to Portage Park before!
  • 10 of the volunteers were introduced to removing invasive English Ivy!
  • Over the two days we removed 6 cubic metres of invasive plants, planted 14 native trees and shrubs and revitalized an area measuring approx. 200 square metres

What participants said about their experience

“It was amazing for our students to revisit our site from last year and reflect on all they had accomplished. Introducing new native shrubs and trees was incredibly rewarding. We will look forward to checking in on them on our nature walks. I love how the program gives our students the opportunity to be stewards of our own backyard and how I can see some of my students in a new light – from the quiet ones that become leaders and organize others, to the busy ones that become highly focused. – Mrs. Stevens, teacher

Before and After photos






Volunteers in Action

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